
If you would like to contribute information about any local cemetery you have dealt with, please forward your story to:


St. Christopher's Church Cemetery - Gladwyne, Pennsylvania

St. Christopher's Church Cemetery - Gladwyne, Pennsylvania

St. Christopher's Church Cemetery. Gladwyne, Pennsylvania.

St. Christopher's Church Cemetery. Gladwyne, Pennsylvania.

Located at:

226 Righters Mill Road
Gladwyne, PA 19035

Phone: 610-642-8920
Email: staff@saintchristophers.org

Website: www.saintchristophers.org

Gravestone at St. Christopher's Church Cemetery. Gladwyne, Pennsylvania.

Gravestone at St. Christopher's Church Cemetery. Gladwyne, Pennsylvania.


Church members may be buried here. It's possible that others will be permitted for burial here. They are open to it. But it is not a guarantee.

Notice the uniformity of the memorial stones. All light in color. All the same size. There is no deviation from that here. You can use marble or light gray Vermont granite, though there is a white granite from Vermont that might also be allowed.

One other thing... if you visit their website, they have an excellent video that tells some of their story. 

Pricing information as of November 2017:

$1500 for one grave
$2900 for two graves
$5400 for 4 graves (a half lot)
$11,200 for 8 graves (a full lot)

It is possible to sell the deed back to the church for what you paid for it if the purchased grave-site goes unused.

The view at the entrance to St. Christopher's Church Cemetery. Gladwyne, Pennsylvania.

The view at the entrance to St. Christopher's Church Cemetery. Gladwyne, Pennsylvania.

Hatfield Meetinghouse Church of the Brethren Cemetery - Hatfield, Pennsylvania

Hatfield Meetinghouse Church of the Brethren Cemetery - Hatfield, Pennsylvania

Lower Merion Baptist Church Cemetery - Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania

Lower Merion Baptist Church Cemetery - Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania