
If you would like to contribute information about any local cemetery you have dealt with, please forward your story to:


Old Goshenhoppen Cemetery - Upper Salford Township, Pennsylvania

Old Goshenhoppen Cemetery - Upper Salford Township, Pennsylvania

Old Goshenhoppen Cemetery. Harleysville, Pennsylvania area.

Old Goshenhoppen Cemetery. Harleysville, Pennsylvania area.

Located at:

2092 Church Road
Upper Salford Township, Pennsylvania

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 44
Woxall, PA 18979

Phone: 610-287-9781 or 215-570-6526

Website: www.ogrc.org

Old Goshenhoppen Cemetery. Harleysville, Pennsylvania area.

Old Goshenhoppen Cemetery. Harleysville, Pennsylvania area.


Old Goshenhoppen Cemetery is surprisingly large. One thing that is unusual about this location is that so few cars that drive by. This gives the cemetery a peaceful, tranquil feel. Visitors will hear birds chirping away. Tire noise from a passing a car would be an unusual occurrence.

An old log cabin on these grounds was built in 1732. It was the original church and schoolhouse. 

The cemetery's finances, as reported on their Form 990, are weak.

Do you have any information about this cemetery that you would like to share?

Old Goshenhoppen Cemetery. Harleysville, Pennsylvania. area

Old Goshenhoppen Cemetery. Harleysville, Pennsylvania. area

Romanian Baptist Church Cemetery - Collegeville, Pennsylvania

Romanian Baptist Church Cemetery - Collegeville, Pennsylvania

Salford Mennonite Church Cemetery - Harleysville, Pennsylvania

Salford Mennonite Church Cemetery - Harleysville, Pennsylvania