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Chelten Hills Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Chelten Hills Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The posted hours. Chelten Hills Cemetery. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The posted hours. Chelten Hills Cemetery. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Located at:

1701 Washington Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19138

Phone: 215-548-2400

Chelten Hills Cemetery. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Chelten Hills Cemetery. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Chelten Hills Cemetery was established in 1878. They have an A+ Better Business Rating. It is a fairly substantial cemetery with a bronze flat marker section, a slant section, and upright sections. 

Chelten Hills is non-sectarian, which means anybody can be buried here.

Hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Saturday 9:00 a.m. till noon. They are closed on Sundays.

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